an intro to intercultural co

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Now in its 6th edition, Fred Jandt's international bestseller continues to offer students an accessible and exciting introduction to the art of effectively communicating across group barriers. Packed with thought-provoking examples, photos, vignettes, quotes, cases, and stories that spark students' interest and challenge them to reassess existing viewpoints, "An Introduction to Intercultural Communication" remains an invaluable text and a leader in its field. New and continuing features include: an environment-focused box in each chapter discusses how the environment relates to each topic; 'Focus on Theory' boxes ground practical material in communication and social theory; expanded coverage of immigration; global examples updated throughout; new and expanded photo essays; new companion website featuring test questions, student activities, sample syllabi, and PowerPoint presentations; and, student site featuring web activities and resources, study quizzes, e-Flashcards, and SAGE journal articles. An accompanying reader, "Intercultural Communication: A Global Reader", is also available and can be used alone or in conjunction with this text.

Publisher SAGE Publications, Incorporated ISBN-10 1412970105 ISBN-13 9781412970105 eBay Product ID (ePID) 109115996 Product Key Features Format Paperback Author Fred Edmund Jandt, Fred E. Jandt Language English
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