Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Global Edition

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For courses in electrical & computing engineering.
Feedback control fundamentals with context, case studies, and a focus on design
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 8th Edition, covers the material that every engineer needs to know about feedback control-including concepts like stability, tracking, and robustness. Each chapter presents the fundamentals along with comprehensive, worked-out examples, all within a real-world context and with historical background provided. The text is devoted to supporting students equally in their need to grasp both traditional and more modern topics of digital control, and the author's focus on design as a theme early on, rather than focusing on analysis first and incorporating design much later. An entire chapter is devoted to comprehensive case studies, and the 8th Edition has been revised with up-to-date information, along with brand-new sections, problems, and examples

Författare: Gene Franklin ISBN: 9781292274522 Språk: Engelska Vikt: 1255 gram Utgiven: 2019-05-01 Förlag: Pearson Education Limited Antal sidor: 928
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Drift & produktion: Wikinggruppen

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