Reglerteknik, grundläggande teori. 5:e uppl.
490 kr
Sustainable energy Utilization
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Reglerteori - Flervariabla och olinjära metoder.
645 kr
Reglerteknik : grundläggande teori.
300 kr
Introduction To Flight 9Ed
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Modern reglerteknik
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Modern reglerteknik Övningsbok
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Modellbygge och simulering : övningsbok
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Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Global Edition
690 kr
Control Theory
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Modeling and identification of dynamic systems
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Projektering av VVS-installationer
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Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students
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Introduction to Space Flight
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Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
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Spaceflight Dynamics: Third Edition
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ISE Modern Compressible Flow: With Historical Perspective
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