Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, SI Edition

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Gain a solid understanding of soil mechanics and soil properties as Das’ PRINCIPLES OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, SI, 10th Edition introduces these topics together with coverage of the latest field practices and basic civil engineering procedures. This book provides the important foundation you need for future design-oriented courses as well as professional practice. Updates address seepage, vertical stress in soil mass, lateral earth pressure and earthquake forces, elastic settlement, shear strength of soil, unit weights of soil and plasticity. This practical approach combines comprehensive discussions and detailed explanations with almost 200 new or updated example problems to help ensure your understanding. Expanded and updated end-of-chapter problems provide opportunities to apply your knowledge. This edition also offers more figures and worked-out problems than any other book in the market to further your skills and understanding.

Författare: Braja Das ISBN: 9780357420485 Språk: Engelska Vikt: 1497 gram Utgiven: 2021-01-22 Förlag: CL Engineering Antal sidor: 880
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Drift & produktion: Wikinggruppen

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