A first course in Mathematical 5Ed

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Offering a solid introduction to the entire modeling process, A FIRST COURSE IN MATHEMATICAL MODELING, 5th Edition delivers an excellent balance of theory and practice, and gives you relevant, hands-on experience developing and sharpening your modeling skills. Throughout, the book emphasizes key facets of modeling, including creative and empirical model construction, model analysis, and model research, and provides myriad opportunities for practice. The authors apply a proven six-step problem-solving process to enhance your problem-solving capabilities -- whatever your level. In addition, rather than simply emphasizing the calculation step, the authors first help you learn how to identify problems, construct or select models, and figure out what data needs to be collected. By involving you in the mathematical process as early as possible -- beginning with short projects -- this text facilitates your progressive development and confidence in mathematics and modeling.

Författare: William P. Fox ISBN: 9781285050904 Språk: Engelska Vikt: 1202 gram Utgiven: 2013-02-01 Förlag: Brooks/Cole Antal sidor: 704 A FIRST COURSE IN MATHEMATICAL MODELING, 5th Edition
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