Chemical Engineering vol. 1

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Coulson and Richardson's classic series provides the student with an account of the fundamentals of chemical engineering and constitutes the definitive work on the subject for academics and practitioners. Each book provides clear explanations of theory and thorough coverage of practical applications, supported by numerous worked examples and problems. Thus, the text is designed for students as well as being comprehensive in coverage. This volume covers the three main transport process of interest to chemical engineers - momentum transfer (fluid flow), heat transfer and mass transfer and the relationships between them. The concluding chapter covers an application where each of these processes is occurring simultaneously - water cooling and humidification. The topics covered form the theoretical basis for much of the material in the later volumes of the series.

Författare: Undertitel: Fluid flow, heat transfer and mass transfer ISBN: 9780750644440 Språk: Engelska Vikt: 1615 gram Utgiven: 1999-10-19 Förlag: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd Antal sidor: 928
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