Introduction to Solid State Physics 8Ed Global Edition

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Since the publication of the first edition over 50 years ago, Introduction to Solid State Physics has been the standard solid state physics text for physics students. The author's goal from the beginning has been to write a book that is accessible to undergraduates and consistently teachable. The emphasis in the book has always been on physics rather than formal mathematics. With each new edition, the author has attempted to add important new developments in the field without sacrificing the book's accessibility and teachability. A very important chapter on nanophysics has been written by an active worker in the field. This field is the liveliest addition to solid state science during the past ten years The text uses the simplifications made possible by the wide availability of computer technology. Searches using keywords on a search engine (such as Google) easily generate many fresh and useful references
A very important chapter on nanophysics has been written by an active worker in the field, Professor Paul L. McEuen of Cornell University. This field is the liveliest addition to solid state science during the past ten years.
The crystallographic notation conforms with current usage in physics. Important equations in the body of the text are repeated in SI and CGS-Gaussian units, where these differ.
The text uses the simplifications made possible by the wide availability of computer technology. Searches using keywords on a search engine (such as Google) easily generate many fresh and useful references.

Författare: Charles Kittel ISBN: 9781119454168 Språk: Engelska Vikt: 800 gram Utgiven: 2018 Förlag: John Wiley Sons Inc Antal sidor: 712
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