Ethics in Finance

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The third edition of Ethics in Finance presents an authoritative and wide-ranging examination of the major ethical issues in finance. This new edition has been expanded and thoroughly updated with extensive coverage of the recent financial crisis and the very latest developments within the financial world. * Substantially updated new edition with nearly 40% new material, including sections on credit cards, mortgage lending, microfinance, risk management, derivatives, and securitization * Includes coverage and references to the recent financial crisis and the very latest developments within the financial world * Focuses on the practical issues that confront finance professionals, policy makers, and consumers of financial services * Cites examples of the scandals that have shaken public confidence in Wall Street and world financial markets * Includes numerous examples throughout to illustrate the concepts and issues described within the text

Författare: John R. Boatright ISBN: 9781118615829 Språk: Engelska Vikt: 440 gram Utgiven: 2014-01-01 Förlag: John Wiley Sons Inc Antal sidor: 294
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