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A comprehensively updated revision of a book regarded by many as one the leading and authoritative titles for practitioners, academics and students in the domain of information systems and technology (IS/IT) strategy. * Presents a structured framework with tools, techniques and ways of thinking which provide a practical approach to building a digital strategy, expressed primarily in the language of business and management. * Brings together the implications of the significant advances in IT and the most useful current thinking, research, and experiences concerning the business impact and strategic opportunities created by IS/IT. *Peppard and Ward discuss the key questions that managers have to grapple with of where, when and how to invest in IS/IT, which is why a IS/IT (or digital) strategy is required.

Författare: Peppard Joe John Ward Undertitel: Building a digital strategy ISBN: 9780470034675 Språk: Engelska Vikt: 1050 gram Utgiven: 2016-04-22 Förlag: John Wiley Sons Inc Antal sidor: 504 The Strategic Management
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