Understanding The Construction Client

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This book breaks new ground by creating a framework to understand clients' actions and needs. Most construction management books focus on improving the construction process; this one focuses on a better engagement with the client. It challenges conceptions of both the construction industry and clients' businesses so that a more effective process and greater client satisfaction can be achieved. The book suggests that 'buildings are not about building but about changing and developing the client'. The technical, organisational and psychological aspects of this are described and analysed in detail so that current experience can be explained and better practice determined.

Författare: David Boyd Chinyio Ezekiel ISBN: 9781405129787 Språk: Engelska Vikt: 561 gram Utgiven: 2006-09-28 Förlag: Wiley-Blackwell (an imprint of John Wiley Sons Ltd) Antal sidor: 330 Kårbokhandeln
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Drift & produktion: Wikinggruppen

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