Rough Surfaces, 2nd Edition

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This book is intended for scientists and engineers who need to know about surface roughness, how to measure and describe it and what practical problems it might cause them. The original Rough Surfaces was widely accepted as the definitive work on the subject; this is a completely new edition, updated to take account of recent major advances in measurement and characterisation. Modern instruments are introduced, including laser interferometers and AFM's, and there are sections on fractals and motif analysis. Problems of 3D surface measurement and description are extensively treated. Manufacturing and production engineers, optical and QC engineers, tribologists and many other applied scientists will find this book an essential addition to their libraries.

Författare: ISBN: 9781860941009 Språk: Engelska Utgiven: 1998-12-29 Förlag: Imperial College Press Antal sidor: 296
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